Astounding Science Fiction was initially published by Publisher’s Fiscal Corporation, which became Clayton Magazines in March 1931. The first issue appeared in January 1930, with Harry Bates as editor. Bates aimed for straightforward action-adventure stories, with scientific elements only present to provide minimal plausibility. Clayton paid much better rates than Amazing and Wonder Stories and consequently Astounding attracted some of the better-known pulp writers, such as Murray Leinster, Victor Rousseau, and Jack Williamson. In February 1931, the original name Astounding Stories of Super-Science was shortened to Astounding Stories. John Campbell took over the editorial duties in 1937. One of his first acts was to change the title from Astounding Stories to Astounding Science-Fiction with the March 1938 issue. He later change the targeted audiene to the more mature readers of science fiction. With that change he felt that “Astounding Stories” did not convey the right image. He intended to subsequently drop the “Astounding” part of the title, as well, leaving the magazine titled Science Fiction, but in 1939 a new magazine with that title appeared. “Astounding” was retained, though thereafter it was often printed in a color that made it much less visible than the “Science-Fiction” part of the title.
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Weight | .8 kg |